Selection Commands

The standard editor commands are available to create and manipulate a selection.


Select menu commands:

    Select All - selects the entire image (Ctrl+A on Windows, +A on Mac).

    Deselect - cancels the selection (Ctrl+D on Windows, +D on Mac).

    Reselect - restores the previous selection (Ctrl+Shift+D on Windows, ++D on Mac).

    Invert - unselects currently selected parts and selects currently unselected parts (Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows, ++I on Mac).

    Transform Selection - lets transform the selection edges without affecting the image content.

Edit menu commands:

    Cut - cuts the selected area of the current layer to the clipboard (Ctrl+X on Windows, +X on Mac).

    Copy - copies the selected area of the current layer to the clipboard (Ctrl+C on Windows, +C on Mac).

    Copy Merged - copies the selected area of merged layers and places it on the clipboard (Ctrl+Shift+C on Windows, ++C on Mac).

    Paste - inserts the contents of the clipboard into a new layer (Ctrl+V on Windows, +V on Mac).

    Erase - removes the selected area of the current layer (Delete).

Layers -> New menu commands:

    Layer via Copy - creates a new layer by copying the selected area of the current layer (Ctrl+J on Windows, +J on Mac).

    Layer via Cut - creates a new layer by cutting the selected area of the current layer (Ctrl+Shift+J on Windows, ++J on Mac).